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Obsidian overview



About second brain system

The concept of a "second brain" refers to the idea of using a system to store and organize one's thoughts and ideas. This allows users to easily access and recall information, while also fostering creativity and deeper understanding. The term "second brain" comes from the idea that it serves as a complement to our biological brain, allowing us to offload some of our cognitive load and think more efficiently.

Obsidian is a tool that is designed to help users build their own "second brain" by providing a simple and powerful system for storing and organizing notes and ideas. With Obsidian, users can create connections between different pieces of information, making it easy to see how different ideas are related and to access and recall information with ease.

A "second brain" system can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the user's needs and preferences. Some common use cases include:

  1. Knowledge management: A "second brain" system can be used to store and organize information on a specific topic or field of study. This can be particularly useful for researchers, students, and professionals in fields such as science, technology, and business.
  2. Personal development: A "second brain" system can be used to track personal goals and progress, and to store and organize resources and information related to personal development, such as books, articles, and courses.
  3. Project management: A "second brain" system can be used to organize and track tasks and progress related to a specific project. Users can create notes for each task, assign due dates, and link related tasks and notes together to easily see the overall progress and status of the project.
  4. Journaling and reflection: A "second brain" system can be used as a digital journal to record daily thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Users can reflect on past experiences, track personal growth, and use backlinks to connect their past thoughts and experiences to their present ones.
  5. Creative writing: A "second brain" system can be used to store and organize ideas, outlines, and notes related to creative writing projects, such as novels, short stories, and screenplays.

These are just a few examples of how a "second brain" system can be used, and the possibilities are endless as the system can be tailored to suit the one's needs and preferences.

Introducing Obsidian

Obsidian is a powerful tool for building a "second brain".

Obsidian is built on the local-first principle, which means that all of the user's notes are stored on their own device, providing privacy and security while still allowing users to access their notes from multiple devices.

Since its release, Obsidian has become popular among users who are looking for a powerful, easy-to-use tool for knowledge management and note-taking, and the developers continue to improve and expand the software based on user feedback and suggestions.

Key features

Markdown formatting

Markdown formatting is a way of writing and structuring text using simple symbols and characters. It was created to make it easy for users to format text without the need for complicated menus or buttons. Instead of using buttons to bold or italicize text, for example, users can use simple symbols such as asterisks or underscores. This makes it easy for users to quickly jot down their thoughts and ideas, without getting bogged down by formatting.

Markdown formatting allows users to create headings, bullet points, numbered lists, and more by using simple characters such as #, * or -. It also allows users to create links and images by using the right syntax.

With Obsidian, users can format their notes using Markdown and easily create headings, bullet points, and other text formatting. This makes it easy to organize notes and ideas and increase readability.

Additionally, Obsidian's use of markdown formatting allows for easy integration with other markdown compatible tools, such as Jupyter notebook, making it easy to share and collaborate with others.



One of the key features of Obsidian is its support for backlinking, which allows users to create connections between different notes. By creating links between notes, users can easily navigate between them and see how different pieces of information are related.

Creating links between notes is easy in Obsidian, users can simply highlight the text they want to link and press the "link" button. Or, use the linking syntax [[link]] to create a link. This creates a hyperlink that, when clicked, takes the user to the linked note.

Backlinking also allows users to see all the pages that link to a certain note, in a dedicated panel, making it easy to see how different pieces of information are connected.


Obsidian also includes a feature called "graphs" which allows users to see the connections between notes in a visual format. This feature creates a graph of all the links between notes, with each note represented as a node and each link represented as an edge.

The graph feature also allows users to filter and customize the graph, for example, users can filter the graph to only show links between specific notes or to only show links of a certain type.


Visual representation of notes

One of the most powerful features of Obsidian is its ability to create visual representations of notes, called "Canvas." This feature allows users to create mind maps, and other visual representations of their notes, making it easy to see the connections between different pieces of information.

With Canvas, users can place notes and links on the canvas using drag and drop. This makes it easy to create visual representations of complex ideas, and to see the connections between different pieces of information.

The Canvas feature also makes it easy for users to organize and link notes. By placing notes on the canvas, users can create a visual representation of how different pieces of information are connected. This makes it easy to see the relationships between different notes, and to quickly navigate between them.

Users can also create links between different notes by simply dragging and dropping one note onto another. This creates a connection between the two notes, making it easy to navigate between them and see the relationship.

More about canvas

Canvas capability in Obsidian is a powerful tool for creating visual representations of notes and ideas, making it easy to see the connections between different pieces of information. It is an intuitive and user-friendly way to organize and link notes. It's a great way to get a better understanding of complex ideas.

More examples on the official page.

Customization with plugins

Obsidian offers a wide variety of plugins to customize and extend the functionality of the software. Some of the plugins available include:

  • Templates for creating standardized notes
  • Shortcuts for quickly accessing frequently used notes
  • Graphs and diagrams for visualizing connections between notes
  • Export options for creating PDFs, ebooks, and more
  • Additional markdown syntax options
  • And many more

Installing plugins in Obsidian is simple and can be done through the built-in plugin marketplace or by manually installing the plugin files. Once installed, the plugins can be easily activated and deactivated through the settings menu.

Obsidian also allows users to create their own custom plugins. This feature enables developers to create new features and functionalities tailored to their specific needs.

Obsidian has a large and active community of users and developers who share their plugins and provide support for others. This community support is a valuable resource for users looking to customize their Obsidian experience and get the most out of the software.

Plugins can be browsed on the official page.


File ownership

It's important to have all files on the machine because it ensures that users have access to their notes even when they don't have an internet connection. This can be particularly useful for users who frequently work offline or in areas with poor internet connectivity. Additionally, having all files on the machine can also provide an extra layer of security, as users can control who has access to their notes and can keep them protected from unauthorized access.

Cloud-based and multiple storage options

Obsidian supports could-based storage, which means that all notes are stored on the cloud and can be accessed from any device. This allows users to access their notes from anywhere, and to easily collaborate with others.

Obsidian also allows users to store their notes in multiple locations, including local storage and cloud storage services like Dropbox and Google Drive. This allows users to choose the storage option that best suits their needs and to easily switch between them.

Automatic synchronization

Obsidian also includes an automatic synchronization feature, which allows users to keep their notes up-to-date across all devices. This means that any changes made to a note on one device will be automatically synced to all other devices, ensuring that users always have the latest version of their notes.

In conclusion, Obsidian's synchronization feature is a powerful tool that allows users to access their notes from anywhere. Automatic synchronization ensures that users always have the latest version of their notes. Additionally, the multiple storage options offer users flexibility and choice in how they want to store their notes.


Building a "second brain" with Obsidian is a great way to boost productivity, creativity, and organization. The tool's simple and intuitive interface, as well as its powerful features like markdown formatting and backlinking, make it easy for users to quickly jot down their thoughts and ideas and create connections between different pieces of information.

One of the best things about Obsidian is that it is completely free to use and open-source, so anyone can try it out without having to spend any money. Additionally, the tool is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, so users can access their "second brain" from any device.

It's definitely worth giving it a try to see how it can help you in managing your information and ideas.


  1. About Canvas
  2. Features highlight
  3. Plugins